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Top Insurance Trends in 2023 – with Sumanas Kar

Customers today are no longer excited by what their friends buy and need products and benefits personalized to their individual needs. This is leading to insurers scrambling their think tanks to design products, offer benefits that can be multi-selected to offer the best-fit plan. For more….

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Secure Your Unsecured Loan Business

The unsecured loans market in India is not only highly competitive, it is also a large channel of business. From small to large players, banks are vying for the same customer base. So how to secure the unsecured loan business?

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5 ways to increase credit card sales

In a highly-competitive and fast moving environment where hundreds of credit cards are dispatched on a daily basis, customer turn-around-time from application to card dispatch becomes crucial. Vymo provides an ML-based intelligent sales engagement platform that enables guided selling for frontline teams….